



Full program description

UA&P Continuing Real-World Education (CORE)

CORE offers programs under five (5) distinct strands, namely: (1) Business Economics & Governance, (2) Human Capital Management & Teacher Development, (3) Science & Technology, (4) Humanities & the Liberal Arts, and (5) Integral Anthropology.

Learn more about CORE here

UA&P's Data Privacy Policy

We normally ask for your personal information such as full name, email address, contact numbers, mailing address, ID photo, together with other relevant information through the forms that we provide when you apply for employment or join our programs, attend events we organize, or request for services we provide. The information we collect is used to process the service that you wish to avail of. They would help us efficiently manage our programs or events and effectively carry out our function as an education provider. The types of information we request from you would vary, depending on the type of service or event that you are interested in.

Learn more about our Data Privacy Policy here